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10 May 2015

Words of Encouragement

Lives can be full of ups & down with most trying moments, which take the grace of God for we to outrival in our diverse endeavors.

Life is full of challenges.

I most pass on good wishes to those who get hold of every opportunity in the society.

There are so many ways to utilize every prospect of success in the society we belong to. Discovering your potential is not really an avenue to your accomplishment in life, you must implore for the enthusiasm and hard work including smartness in what ever you find yourself doing.

You must move around and get expose to information; information is another instrument that tarries with the achievement of vision in life. You are not expected to remain stagnant, motionless in life for ever. Life is moving, time wait for no one, we are behind scheduled of time.

We as youth must exploit every given opportunity we get hold off, weather you are sitting or standing discover something,  your destiny ties with other people success in life it could be that some body else where is waiting for your manifestation before he does succeed in life.  We are designed to be problem solver in our social order, for you will be remained by the problem you solved in the society.

In this world; every persons is being designed to solve one problem or the other.

 Make sure you are a problem solver in your community.

According to Ambassador Chris Eze (the author, school of wisdom)   “A worker is not paid based on family need rather you are paid for the kind of problem you are solving for your boss at the office”

You can only be remembered by the problems you solved or the ones you created.

Be good ambassador where ever you go so that God will bless you and give you the privilege to understand your destiny.

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