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13 May 2015

Brave Woman

Ladies are the most valuable gift after life, ladies play a most intelligent roll human existence, in procreation 

I respect ladies very much; women need to be given the sense of belonging in piloting the affairs of their country, unless women are given the opportunity to handle top political offices, the world we continue to witness most of political ordeal. Unless our

women bring to fruition their roll in making the world a better place, I’m afraid the world will be in illusion.

Any political cabinet that lacks the presence of woman within its executives, will be limited to some certain vital functions within the society, Women are love, peace, justice, kind. If the world has these entire attribute, I assure you the world will be a very better place for every body both the generation unborn. My dear women, I put it to you this jiffy that the world desires you to make her a better place. You are the most imperative thing subsequent to life, toward humanity existence.


  1. Great and interesting perspective you have shared, definitely food for thought!
